Michael Saccocio is executive director and CEO of City Mission in Schenectady, New York.  In addition to this role he has taken the lead in establishing an on-going, multi-sector initiative called Schenectady Bridges to help promote the “Bridges out of Poverty” framework as a citywide movement, linking social, business, education, healthcare, and faith-based sectors.

Through this program more than 2,000 people have been trained in Bridges constructs which help volunteers view the world through the lens of those who come from under-resourced backgrounds.  That kind of understanding is foundational for anyone who genuinely wants to be helpful to the poor.

“We’ve always been focused on a need to see transformed lives, and from those transformed lives we can work toward a transformed community. We’ve come to understand that the only way to make the transformed community sustainable is that the folks themselves have to be the leaders of it.”   Click here to learn more about City Mission of Schenectady

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