
VIDEO – Reframing Charity by James Whitford | Watered Gardens

By |2019-07-18T15:52:32+00:00December 13th, 2018|Categories: Church Missions, Dignity, Entrepreneurship, flourishing, ReThink Missions, ReThink Poverty, Sustainability, Work|

WATCH THE VIDEO...   Many poverty fighting leaders passionate for social justice have begun to shy away from the word "charity." Unfortunately, for many, the definition of this biblical virtue has been reduced to a superficial approach more often harmful than [...]

It’s Because This Church Has Been Helping Us | by Rick Rusaw

By |2019-07-11T23:15:27+00:00December 7th, 2018|Categories: Church Missions, Philanthropy, ReThink Missions, ReThink Poverty, Sustainability, Uncategorized|

Over the years I have always tried to look at the broader trends going on in the world and try to translate them into the church world.  Recently I was invited to sit in on a roundtable discussion with [...]

VIDEO – Prophetic Imagination by Tom Bassford, Significant Matters

By |2019-07-18T15:49:29+00:00November 19th, 2018|Categories: Church Missions, Entrepreneurship, flourishing, ReThink Missions, ReThink Poverty, SATtalk Video 2018, Sustainability|

WATCH THE VIDEO...   Most paradigm shifts come from critical yeast not critical mass.  They come from those with an idea that is usually described as too idealistic or just too complicated and then simply dismissed by the critical mass.  But [...]

VIDEO – Church, Non-profits and the Poor Working Together by Cheryl Cuthbertson | Children of the Nations

By |2019-07-18T15:46:32+00:00November 18th, 2018|Categories: Business Persons, Church Missions, Dignity, Entrepreneurship, flourishing, Partner, ReThink Missions, SATtalk Video 2018, Sustainability|

WATCH THE VIDEO...   Over the last several decades, non-profits have played an increasing role advocating and providing services for the global poor and disenfranchised. The initial role of the Christian non-profit was to bring the church safely into a sustainable [...]

Getting Better at Doing Good

By |2019-07-11T23:15:29+00:00May 28th, 2018|Categories: Church Missions, Dignity, Entrepreneurship, flourishing, Missional Communities, Partner, PovertyCure Info, ReThink Missions, ReThink Poverty, Sustainability, Uncategorized, Work|

Getting Better at Doing Good | There’s a lot being written and said these days about the effectiveness of charitable work.  The wonderful and provocative 90-minute documentary by PovertyCure called, “Poverty, Inc.” makes a compelling case that fighting poverty has [...]

Millennials and Missions – Not Your Traditional Approach | Part 1

By |2019-07-11T23:15:30+00:00January 10th, 2018|Categories: Business Persons, Church Missions, Entrepreneurship, flourishing, Join the Conversation, Partner, ReThink Missions, SATtalk Video 2016, Sustainability, Work|

Millennials and Missions - Not Your Traditional Approach | Part 1... Justin Carney grew up on a small farm in southern Missouri.  In his early 20’s a missionary came to his church and talked about unreached people groups, gave [...]

Church Missions and Lasting Change: The Tip of the Iceberg | by Tom Bassford

By |2019-07-11T23:15:30+00:00December 11th, 2017|Categories: Church Missions, Dignity, ReThink Missions, SATtalk Video 2017, Sustainability|

Historically, church missions have been about mobilizing money and people toward relief and betterment efforts that provided urgent comfort, care and stability for those in crisis.  However, those efforts alone do little to solve core social problems in lasting, [...]

Wealth Creators: The New Missionaries by Bob Lupton | Toxic Charity

By |2019-07-18T15:34:52+00:00November 13th, 2017|Categories: Business Persons, Church Missions, Entrepreneurship, flourishing, SATtalk Video 2017, Sustainability, Work|

Bob Lupton is a Christian community developer and entrepreneur who brings together communities of resource with communities of need. Lupton has invested the past 43 years of his life in inner-city Atlanta where his life’s work has been the rebuilding [...]

Impact Investing and a Theology of Business by Aimee Minnich | Impact Foundation

By |2019-07-18T15:33:52+00:00November 13th, 2017|Categories: Business Persons, Church Missions, Entrepreneurship, flourishing, ReThink Missions, SATtalk Video 2017, Sustainability, Work|

Aimee Minnich serves as Chief Impact Officer and General Counsel of Impact Foundation. Prior to founding Impact Foundation, she served as President and General Counsel for the National Christian Foundation, Heartland, where she designed and implemented the foundation’s Missional Investing [...]