Tom Bassford

About Tom Bassford

Tom Bassford is founder and President of Significant Matters a faith-based non-profit committed to helping the church create sustainable solutions though the work of church missions. He is also the founder of SATtalks which aims to accelerate the learning curve for the church around sustainable approaches to church missions by highlighting the stories of people and organizations on the leading edge and connecting those who want to help move the church in this direction.

Wealth Creators: The New Missionaries by Bob Lupton | Toxic Charity

By |2019-07-18T15:34:52+00:00November 13th, 2017|Categories: Business Persons, Church Missions, Entrepreneurship, flourishing, SATtalk Video 2017, Sustainability, Work|

Bob Lupton is a Christian community developer and entrepreneur who brings together communities of resource with communities of need. Lupton has invested the past 43 years of his life in inner-city Atlanta where his life’s work has been the rebuilding [...]

Impact Investing and a Theology of Business by Aimee Minnich | Impact Foundation

By |2019-07-18T15:33:52+00:00November 13th, 2017|Categories: Business Persons, Church Missions, Entrepreneurship, flourishing, ReThink Missions, SATtalk Video 2017, Sustainability, Work|

Aimee Minnich serves as Chief Impact Officer and General Counsel of Impact Foundation. Prior to founding Impact Foundation, she served as President and General Counsel for the National Christian Foundation, Heartland, where she designed and implemented the foundation’s Missional Investing [...]

Catalysts for Transforming Lives and Communities by Mike Simon | Simon Solutions |

By |2019-07-18T15:30:43+00:00November 13th, 2017|Categories: Business Persons, Church Missions, flourishing, SATtalk Video 2017, Sustainability|

Over the last 40 years, Mike has served in executive leadership roles for churches, charitable organizations and for-profit businesses. He has also served as a consultant for city transformation movements and has invested years of research into emerging trends, best [...]