Even as our culture drifts farther away from a Biblical world-view, there are now great opportunities for the church to gain influence and make an even greater impact in our communities.  It is exciting that the path to gaining influence does not require a compromise of biblical principles, but rather a deeper understanding and application of these principles.  Our Biblical world-view is our greatest advantage in engaging the culture.  It’s time we become leaders in creating programs that solve problems.  Learning how to do this in the midst of our cultural challenges is the pathway to greater influence and impact.

Michael Saccocio, Executive Director, City Mission, Schenectady, NY

Michael Saccocio is executive director and CEO of City Mission in Schenectady, New York.  In addition to this role he has taken the lead in establishing an on-going, multi-sector initiative called Schenectady Bridges to help promote the “Bridges out of Poverty” framework as a citywide movement, linking social, business, education, healthcare, and faith-based sectors.

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