
VIDEO – Pastor-preneur Serving the Poor | Kevin Peyton

By |2019-12-13T22:28:32+00:00December 11th, 2019|Categories: Business Persons, Church Missions, Entrepreneurship, flourishing, Missions, SATtalk Video 2019|

WATCH THE VIDEO...   Kevin Peyton calls himself a “Pastor-preneur.” He’s a businessman turned pastor, turned not-for-profit leader…all at the same time. "For those of us who find ourselves in those three sectors; the world of church, the world of [...]

No Bird Can Soar in a Calm | by Mike Saccocio

By |2019-07-11T23:15:26+00:00March 5th, 2019|Categories: Dignity, flourishing, Missions, Poverty, Work|

No Bird Can Soar in a Calm - Gaining Influence in a Post-Christian Culture...  An early observation the Wright Brothers made that helped them figure out the physics of flight was that birds in flight use their wings to [...]

Reclaiming Charity by Michael Matheson Miller | PovertyCure

By |2019-07-18T14:41:25+00:00November 28th, 2014|Categories: Business Persons, Church Missions, Dignity, Entrepreneurship, flourishing, Missions, ReThink Poverty, SATtalk Video 2015, Sustainability|

“When we understand the dignity of the human person endowed with creative capacity and made in the image of God, it changes absolutely everything about the way we understand charity, missions, development and the poor.”  WATCH THE VIDEO… [...]