Tom Bassford

About Tom Bassford

Tom Bassford is founder and President of Significant Matters a faith-based non-profit committed to helping the church create sustainable solutions though the work of church missions. He is also the founder of SATtalks which aims to accelerate the learning curve for the church around sustainable approaches to church missions by highlighting the stories of people and organizations on the leading edge and connecting those who want to help move the church in this direction.

Prove It! | by Tom Bassford

By |2019-07-11T23:15:26+00:00February 1st, 2019|Categories: Business Persons, Church Missions, Missional Communities, Partner, Philanthropy, ReThink Missions, ReThink Poverty, Sustainability|

The church in North America is losing ground in attendance, influence, credibility and virtually every other category that really matters.  It’s becoming increasingly apparent that, if the Church really wants to be the hope of the world, then it [...]

$50,000 Gift to Launch the 3.0 Fund!

By |2019-07-11T23:15:26+00:00December 28th, 2018|Categories: Business Persons, Church Missions, Entrepreneurship, flourishing, Philanthropy, ReThink Poverty, Sustainability, Work|

Investing charitable dollars in for-profit businesses to help the poor. Significant Matters is excited to announce the formation of the 3.0 Fund.  Many churches and especially the business-minded people of those churches are coming to see the rationale and possibilities of [...]

Prophetic Imagination | by Tom Bassford

By |2019-07-11T23:15:26+00:00December 22nd, 2018|Categories: Church Missions, flourishing, ReThink Missions, SATtalk Video 2018, Sustainability|

Change comes in a thousand different ways but never in a hurry or by unanimous consent.  That may be one of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned over the past 15 years.  I used to think the best strategy for [...]

A Thing To Be Done | by Tom Bassford

By |2019-07-11T23:15:27+00:00December 14th, 2018|Categories: Business Persons, Church Missions, Dignity, Entrepreneurship, flourishing, Join the Conversation, ReThink Missions, ReThink Poverty, Sustainability, Uncategorized, Work|

"But remember: if prayer be anything at all, it is a thing to be done."  George MacDonald Sooner or later even the most reluctant among us finds a use for prayer.  Scrooge found his knees at the end of [...]

VIDEO – Reframing Charity by James Whitford | Watered Gardens

By |2019-07-18T15:52:32+00:00December 13th, 2018|Categories: Church Missions, Dignity, Entrepreneurship, flourishing, ReThink Missions, ReThink Poverty, Sustainability, Work|

WATCH THE VIDEO...   Many poverty fighting leaders passionate for social justice have begun to shy away from the word "charity." Unfortunately, for many, the definition of this biblical virtue has been reduced to a superficial approach more often harmful than [...]

It’s Because This Church Has Been Helping Us | by Rick Rusaw

By |2019-07-11T23:15:27+00:00December 7th, 2018|Categories: Church Missions, Philanthropy, ReThink Missions, ReThink Poverty, Sustainability, Uncategorized|

Over the years I have always tried to look at the broader trends going on in the world and try to translate them into the church world.  Recently I was invited to sit in on a roundtable discussion with [...]

VIDEO – From Doing Good Things to Solving Real Problems by Pastor Rick Rusaw | LifeBridge Church

By |2019-07-18T15:51:21+00:00December 7th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

WATCH THE VIDEO...   Change in the church began when we asked the question, “If our church disappeared, would anyone care?” That question set the direction for a 25-year journey that led us from just doing good things to solving real [...]

Cultivating a Faith-Rooted Social Enterprise Ecosystem for the Well-Being of Your City | by Dr. Randy White

By |2019-07-11T23:15:27+00:00November 21st, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

A number of years ago the Mayor of Fresno gathered a group of faith leaders and asked them a very provocative question; "What do you think is the role of faith institutions in seeking the economic well-being of a [...]

VIDEO – Cultivating a Faith-Rooted, Social Enterprise Ecosystem by Dr. Randy White | Center for Community Transformation

By |2019-07-18T15:50:26+00:00November 21st, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

WATCH THE VIDEO... What have faith leaders in the city with one of the highest rates of concentrated poverty in the nation done to create a faith-rooted ecosystem of innovation and economic opportunity that is bringing transformation? What is necessary for a city's faith [...]

VIDEO – Prophetic Imagination by Tom Bassford, Significant Matters

By |2019-07-18T15:49:29+00:00November 19th, 2018|Categories: Church Missions, Entrepreneurship, flourishing, ReThink Missions, ReThink Poverty, SATtalk Video 2018, Sustainability|

WATCH THE VIDEO...   Most paradigm shifts come from critical yeast not critical mass.  They come from those with an idea that is usually described as too idealistic or just too complicated and then simply dismissed by the critical mass.  But [...]